Call for papers
Hagiographic rewritings. The construction of royal sanctity in Scandinavia

The conference “Riscritture agiografiche. La costruzione della santità regale in Scandinavia – Hagiographic  rewritings. The construction of royal sanctity in Scandinavia”, which will be held at Sapienza University of Rome, focuses on the development of hagiography both in Latin and vernacular works in medieval Scandinavia after the Conversion to the new faith and the emerging of Christian monarchies. In particular, it aims at highlighting the links between kingship and sanctity also in a comparative view with the saintly kings of the European tradition. The conference is organised bythe Chair of Germanic Philology under the auspices of the Department of Storia, Culture, Religioniand the patronage of AISSCA – Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità, dei culti e dell’agiografia.

Scadenza invio proposte: 15 giugno 2018