E’ stato pubblicato il programma dell’VIII edizione dei Cantieri dell’agiografia, che si terranno a Roma dal 21 al 23 gennaio 2025. Scarica il programma!
Call for papers e bandi
Call for Papers “I santi dei Canossa nel millenario della canonizzazione di san Simeone Armeno”
L’Associazione Matildica Internazionale, in occasione del III Festival Matildico, che si terrà a San Benedetto Po (Mantova) dal 20 al 22 settembre 2024, organizza un …
Claudio Leonardi Fellowship
Nella circostanza del decimo anniversario della morte di Claudio Leonardi (1926-2010), suo fondatore e suo primo presidente, la S.I.S.M.E.L. bandisce la seconda edizione della fellowship …
The Hagiography Society Book Prize
This prize will be awarded to a scholarly first book written on any disciplinary subject that makes an outstanding contribution to the study and understanding …
Call for papers
“Crucified Saints from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age”
This volume explores the theme of crucified saints in Christianity in an interdisciplinary and diachronic perspective. From Saint Paphnoutios to Saint Wilgefortis, from the Ten …
Laboratorio di Agiografia
Filologia, edizione, interpretazione delle fonti
III edizione
Il Laboratorio si propone di introdurre i giovani studiosi alle tecniche, ai metodi, alla cultura dell’edizione delle fonti agiografiche, organizzando corsi di durata annuale, che …
Call for papers
Hagiographic rewritings. The construction of royal sanctity in Scandinavia
The conference “Riscritture agiografiche. La costruzione della santità regale in Scandinavia – Hagiographic rewritings. The construction of royal sanctity in Scandinavia”, which will be held …
Call for papers “Northern Lights: Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England”
Despite widespread interest in the cults of northern English saints (600-1200) in the early middle ages, comparatively little work has been carried out on the …
Call for Papers
Novel Saints. Novel, Hagiography and Romance from the 4th to the 12th Century
The early history of the novel has not been written yet. The oldest representatives of this genre (also called ‘ancient romances’ in scholarship) were written …
Call for papers “Neighbours or Strangers? Conflict, Negotiation, and Collaboration in Multicultural Communities”
The conference aims at concentrating on social and cultural interaction within and between multi-ethnic and multilingual communities, groups and individuals, minority (minorities) and majority. Cooperation, …